Tuesday 24 March 2015

How is Hero an Art Movie?

Question 1:
Hero could be considered an art movie by one, the movie is very focused on the dream of Nameless, who wants to assassinate the King of Qin. Another way Hero shows that  it could be an art movie is by having the scenes made in mixed order, so the sequences of the movie don't have an exact start, middle, and end. The last way Hero could be an art movie is the tone of the movie is serious and not to be taken as funny or in a comical way.

Question 2:
How the director made Hero a movie for everyone is by having the viewer somehow wanting to see what happens next by leaving a mini cliff like hanger at the end of the three different stories of the King's three greatest enemies. Also, the director has the fighting scenes made in an interesting way and not just straight forward and have lots of blood and gore like things happen, instead the fighting in a way was peaceful and mystifying. Another way the director made the movie for everyone is by having the movie made in a way that the historic parts in the movie weren't boring and didn't drag on.

Question 3:
I really loved the movie Hero. Why I liked the movie was for one I love foreign language movies, so Hero was a very enjoyable movie for me. Also I liked how the movie was made and it to me was very well thought out and planned. Another reason why I liked the movie was the use of colours, like in the scene where Broken Sword and Flying Snow is at the King's palace fighting him surrounded by drapes the colour of green.

Question 4:
How Zhang Yimou made the colours emphasized in the scene where Broken Sword and Flying Snow are attacking the King is by having the drapes in green a very key aspect part in that scene by having Broken Sword dressed in green to match the drapes so he could hide in among them when he was fighting the King and made the king in a way panic because he couldn't find Broken Sword til he stepped out from behind them. Also the colour green in Chinese means many different things and one of the means is patience vs anger and to me patience is the King and anger is Broken Sword. Another way that the colour green was used effectively in the attack scene was sensitivity, both Broken Sword and Flying Snow were very sensitive during this because both wanted the King assassinated for all the wrong he has done.

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